📂Unity SDK Changelog

Unity SDK 1.9.0 - September 4, 2024


  • Kinetix Mask now allows you to select parts of the avatars that you want to stop the animation on

  • You can now pass an avatar separately from the animator, allowing more compatibility with projects requiring a Generic avatar

  • Added more samples for IK and Validation flow (still in beta)


  • Loading multiple animations at the same time no longer assign the same data to all

  • SDK now fully functions with SynchronisationContext.SetSynchronisationContext


Unity SDK 1.8.0 - August 21, 2024



Unity SDK 1.7.3 - August 12, 2024


  • RetakeEmoteProcess now passes the full URL for the PWA instead of just a token.


Unity SDK 1.7.2 - July 31, 2024


  • Manual cache clearing for UGC Url


  • RootMotion not applying


Unity SDK 1.7.1 - July 10, 2024


  • Animator not being enabled back after emote being played


Unity SDK 1.7.0 - June 17, 2024

Added :

  • [Closed Beta] Integrated API routes for validation and retake

  • Download of emote file now scales with the user's bandwith, allowing for a better control


  • SDK now allows for blendshape editing while animation is playing


Unity SDK 1.6.0 - May 23, 2024

Added :


Unity SDK 1.5.0 - April 18, 2024

Added :

  • Custom retargeting emotes are now loaded with their own thumbnails

Removed :

  • Obsolete method AssociateEmotesToUser

  • Alias features


Unity SDK 1.4.3 - March 26, 2024

Fixed :

  • Edge case where an emote could not be played a second time


Unity SDK 1.4.2 - March 21, 2024

Fixed :

  • Fixed Demo scene script wrong "using" statement

  • Fixed assembly loading bug


Unity SDK 1.4.1 - January 03, 2024

Fixed :

  • Demo scene is now in the samples

  • Fixed a wrong "using" statement


Unity SDK 1.4.0 - December 20, 2023

Added :

  • SDK now fully supports in-house kinanim format, allowing Emote streaming.

  • New networking implementation, easier and removing most costs on the game developper's side

Removed :

  • Support for Emote Wheel UI

  • Support for Alias and Contextual features


Unity SDK 1.3.0 - November 4, 2023

Added :

  • SDK now fully supports Contact Aware Retargeting implementation: upload your avatar in the Developer Portal.

Fixed :

  • Fixed an issue where a specific rig hierarchy could cause a crash


Unity SDK 1.2.0 - September 26, 2023

Added :

  • Alias system to fetch emotes directly from portal via aliases.


Unity SDK 1.1.0 - August 22, 2023

Added :

  • Added Multi Character management to play animations on your avatar, NPCs, or within your in-game shop

  • Added Smart Cache to avoid overloading the storage

Updated :

  • Improved Retargeting performances

Fixed :

  • Fixed an issue of transition through the ground on some edge cases


Unity SDK 1.0.1 - August 14, 2023

Updated :

  • Fix and improvements on Legacy AnimationClip behaviours


Unity SDK 1.0.0 - August 4, 2023

Updated :

  • Global Core Refacto and Stabilization

  • Improved Ground Contact in Retargeting System


Unity SDK 0.7.2 - June 28, 2023

Fixed :

  • It's now possible to call UnregisterLocalPlayer just after registering it.

  • We have added a safeguard after multiple register on LocalPlayerCharacter and RemotePlayerCharacter.

  • Fixed an issue that didn't dispose components on GameObject while calling UnregisterLocalPlayer.


Unity SDK 0.7.1 - June 21, 2023

Fixed :

  • Improved general stability on fetching emotes

  • Improved Gamepad Controller behaviours


Unity SDK 0.7.0 - June 9, 2023

Added :

  • Context Module to play emotes on specific context

Fixed :

  • Misc bug fixes and performance improvements


Unity SDK 0.6.0 - May 9, 2023

Added :

  • Create UGC Emote with Companion in the new Create tab

  • Assign Verified Emotes to your users

  • Web2 user account handling

  • Kinetix SDK API interaction

  • Hide/Show Emote Wheel tabs

Updated :

  • New batch of 3 test Emotes


Unity SDK 0.5.1 - April 19, 2023

Updated :

  • Improved retargeting on high ratio avatar differences

  • Removed "Open" action from Input Action Map


Unity SDK 0.5.0 - April 17, 2023

Added :

  • Kinetix Package Manager to install modules of the SDK (Core, UI Common and UI Emote Wheel)

  • New Input system compliancy and new Input Customizer that let you customize inputs for any controllers. We do now support GamePad from scratch in addition to Touches and Mouse Input.

  • New example Photon Fusion for the network system integration

Updated :

  • Full rework on the network system that increase scalability and memory usage.

Update From 0.4 :

  • We have reworked the Network System for scability concerns. We have removed methods that allow to play an animation on remote peer. You can now synchronize the frame poses directly through your network system by using our Serializer and Deserializer (You can read more informations on Network Synchronization part)

  • We have removed the parameters MaxPersistentDataStorageInMB and MaxRamCacheInMB in KinetixCoreConfiguration for flexibility. By using our UI Emote Wheel, emotes will be free from memory by design. Otherwise you can call the Unload method in our API to free the memory.


Unity SDK 0.4.1 - March 31, 2023

Fixed :

  • UGC emotes are now centered on the avatar

  • Pages Label on the inventory is now refreshed

  • The error "'Animator' does not contain a definition for 'keepAnimatorStateOnDisable'" has been fixed.


Unity SDK 0.4.0 - March 06, 2023

Added :

  • Root Motion System

  • UI Customization (Light Theme, Dark Theme and Custom Theme)

  • Localization System

  • New Web2 package

Updated :

  • Removed "AddFreeAnimation" method from Account class. Refer to "Import Free Emotes" section in documentation.

  • Updated UI Initialization directly through the class KinetixUIEmoteWheelConfiguration in the KinetixUI initialization. Refer to "UI Integration" section in documentation.

Update From 0.3.0 :

  • If you were using "AddFreeAnimation" method, you can import animations locally now through our custom editor to import them locally.

  • If you were using the ScriptableObject ConfigurationUI, you can transfer your initialisation informations in parameter of KinetixUI.Initialize method.


Unity SDK 0.3.0 - January 27, 2023

Added :

  • MaxPersistentDataStorageInMB added in KinetixCoreConfiguration

  • MaxRamCacheInMB added in KinetixCoreConfiguration

Updated :

  • Improved Foot Correction Retargeting

  • Improved Memory Management

  • Reduced Emote Loading duration on remote peers

  • No more specific version of Newtonsoft required

Last updated