ðŸŦĨAvatar Mask

Setup an Avatar Mask

Create an Avatar mask.

Follow these steps in project view : Right Click> Create > Kinetix > AvatarMask

In the inspector, you can click on each individual node to enable (in green) or disable (in red) the bone. Hovering the node will show the name of the bone.

For the Mask to be applied on a character, you need to call the corrisponding SetMask method.

void SetMaskOnLocalPlayer(
    KinetixMask _Mask
KinetixMask GetMaskOnLocalPlayer();


[SerializeField] public KinetixMask mask;
[SerializeField] public Animator myAnimator;

//This code is from the Quickstart example
private void Awake() 
    KinetixCore.OnInitialized += OnInitialize;
    KinetixCore.Initialize(new KinetixCoreConfiguration()
        GameAPIKey = "yourGameAPIKey",
        PlayAutomaticallyAnimationOnAnimators = true,
        EnableAnalytics = true
private void OnInitialize()
    KinetixCore.OnInitialized -= OnInitialize;
    //Register local Player
    //Set Mask

Runtime Avatar Mask Setup

The KinetixMask can be modified in runtime using the method SetEnabled


[SerializeField] public KinetixMask mask;

private void Start() 
    mask.SetEnabled(HumanBodyBones.Hips, false); //Disable the hips on start
    mask.SetEnabled(HumanBodyBones.LeftHand, false); //Disable the left hand on start
    Debug.Log( mask.IsEnabled(HumanBodyBones.LeftHand) ) //Log: False

Runtime Create Avatar Mask

private void Start() 
    KinetixMask myMask = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<KinetixMask>();
    //Do stuff with the mask

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