Possible Return Codes
You will find the different HTTP return codes that the API is able to return:
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You will find the different HTTP return codes that the API is able to return:
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Request processed successfully. The response is different for each API, please refer to the operation's documentation
Request processed successfully. The response is different for each API, please refer to the operation's documentation
204 (No Content)
Request processed successfully. The response is empty
208 (Already Reported)
Request processed successfully through the cache. The response is different for each API, please refer to the operation's documentation
400 (Bad Request)
Syntax error. For instance, when a required field was not provided. The response is as defined in
401 (Unauthorized)
API key not provided or invalid. The response is as defined in
403 (Forbidden)
API key is valid, but the application has insufficient permissions to complete the requested operation. The response is as defined in
404 (Not Found)
Cannot found the asked resource. The response is as defined in
406 (Not Acceptable)
This is not acceptable to process the asked ressource (mature content, etc...). The response is as defined in
The ressource already exists. The response is as defined in
413 (Payload Too Large)
The request is larger than the server is willing or able to process. (video too long, etc...). The response is as defined in
425 (Too Early)
The request try to update a resource before it's available. The response is as defined in
428 (Precondition Required)
The request is valid but you need to setup something before. The response is as defined in
429 (Too Many Requests)
The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time. The response is as defined in
500 (Internal Server Error)
API error. The response is as defined in