🎞ïļFrame Controller

Our SDK allows comprehensive control over user-generated emotes with features such as trimming animations, pausing/resuming, setting elapsed time, modifying play rates, and looping animations. Note that these features are not automatically networked; you must send the relevant information over your network layer and call the appropriate methods using our "Remote implementation."

Feature listQuick description

Remove a part of the start of the animation. Remove a part of the end of the animation. Or both simultaneously.

Pause the playing of the animation, freezing the avatar in place

Go to a specific point of the animation (in seconds)

Speed at which animation is played. Can be set to negative in order to play the animation backward

Enable or Disable the loop mode of the Kinetix-Animator

Please note that these features aren't automatically networked. You have to send the information over your network layer, and call the relevant methods via our "Remote implemenation"

Trimming animation

Trimming animation allows you to choose a part of the emote to be played, instead of playing the whole one. Remove a part of the start of the animation, at the end of the animation or both simultaneously.

void KinetixCore.Animation.PlayAnimationOnLocalPlayer(
    string _EmoteID,
    AnimationTimeRange _AnimationTimeRange


Let's say the emote is 10 seconds long and you want to play the animation from '3:00' to '5:00'

using Kinetix;

//Register local player (only use it if player wasn't registered)
KinetixCore.Animation.RegisterLocalPlayerAnimator( /* Arguments */ )

//Play emote from time '3:00' to time '5:00'
AnimationTimeRange timeRange = new AnimationTimeRange(3, 5);
KinetixCore.Animation.PlayAnimationOnLocalPlayer("my-Emote-ID", timeRange);

Example 2:

Let's say the emote is 10 seconds long and you want to play the animation from 3:00 to the end of the animation.

using Kinetix;

//Register local player (only use it if player wasn't registered)
KinetixCore.Animation.RegisterLocalPlayerAnimator( /* Arguments */ );

//Play animation from time '3:00' to the end of the animation
AnimationTimeRange timeRange = new AnimationTimeRange(3);
KinetixCore.Animation.PlayAnimationOnLocalPlayer("my-Emote-ID", timeRange);

Resume / Pause

Resume and pause the playing of an emote, freezing the player avatar. The SDK will keep its state. (elapsed time, loop mode, play rate, animation timeline, etc...)

void KinetixCore.Animation.SetPauseOnLocalPlayer(bool _Paused)

If _Paused is true, the SDK will pause the emote. If _Paused is false, the SDK will resume the playing of the emote.

Go to Time (Set Elapsed time)

Enables you to go to a certain time of the sampler. The elapsed time is expressed in seconds.

void KinetixCore.Animation.SetElapsedTimeOnLocalPlayer(float _ElapsedTime)

Variable playrate / Play backward

Modify the speed at which frames are read by the SDK. A negative number will make the SDK play the emote backward.

The SDK depends on the UnityEngine.Time.timeScale

If the playrate is negative before playing an animation. The animation will start from the end.

void KinetixCore.Animation.SetPlayRateOnLocalPlayer(
    float _PlayRate


using Kinetix;

//Register local player (only use it if player wasn't registered)
KinetixCore.Animation.RegisterLocalPlayerAnimator( /* Arguments */ );

//Play the animation two times faster

//Play backward

Loop animation

Enable or disable loop mode for a player. When loop mode is enabled, the SDK will loop back to the start / end of the animation (depending on the playrate's sign)

void KinetixCore.Animation.SetLoopAnimationOnLocalPlayer(
    bool _Looping

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